Sunday 12 June 2011

Crohn's Disease in the mind?

Since I was 3 months old, I suffered from stomach problems and my mother was taking me to the doctor regularly.

I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease at 12 years of age. I constantly suffered with the 'symptons' for the following 28 years, put on Prenisolone, Salazopyrin etc on and off to control all the bleeding.
I have had countless operations, partial bowel removals and re-section.
My last attack was in 2000, when suffering from stress of starting a new business. Started bleeding yet again from the bowel. Was booked in for more surgery. Came across a different way of thinking and the bleeding stopped within 7 days. The booked surgery at the Royal Brisbane Hospital did not go ahead and my surgeon was happy to let it be for that moment.
That was 13 years ago.
I had to have a colonoscopy last month, being over 50. No Crohns :)
I want to help others understand how I made these changes and am writing constantly, with the intention of completing my book 'The Irritable Brain Syndrome' and speaking at Crohns Disease Clinics in London and New York, maybe in September this year when I fly over there from Australia.
Please know how much your thinking can be the cause of your suffering.
Below is a letter that I recently wrote to someone, who had just been 'told' that she had Crohn's Disease at 45 years of age.  They had just removed her whole bowel.
"Hello.  I'm 45yrs.old and was diagnosed 5 hrs.ago with crohn's disease and it has turned my life upside down. Pentasa did not work now I'm on asacol and prednisone and that is not working. I had my entire colon removed and everything ieat goes through my system within 10 min. Can anyone advice me is there hope. This disease is so debilitating. I want my life back Please advice it will be appreciated. This week alone I had to be rushed to the hospital 4 time the last one was today. My mind body soul is so drained out. My spirits are low and this has cause depression. I used to weigh 150lbs. Now I'm almost 100 lbs which is not healthy. Hopefully I can receive some feed back . I'm trying to keep my spirits high.
Sincererly N"

"Dear N,
My heart goes out to you.
To suffer anything, means we don't accept the 'what is'.  And to accept the 'what is', is sometimes so hard, when we don't want it, or can't control it.
I had 'Crohns' for 40 years of my life and through those 40 years, I slowly started to change the way I thought. 
I too, had both Prednisolone and Salazopyrin to take.  Bowel removals, as well as bowel re-sections J
With my last attack in 2000, bleeding from the bowel yet again, the last piece of the puzzle slotted into place within my mind and in only 7 days, the bleeding stopped.
To go into all this now would mean I would have to write for days, so I won't :)
All I can share with you, is just 'accept' this situation in this moment, whatever it is and you will no longer be fighting anything.
Accept that you are on medication.  Accept that you have had a major operation and now have a different way of living.
Once you have totally accepted all this and more, you will be free to act.
Act in the way of doing what you can do to feel good and right now, maybe the only place you can do that is within your mind.
How you CHOOSE to think is up to you.
Your mind is not who you are, it is a cup that sits beside you with everything in it that you have learnt, experienced, been TOLD.
I was TOLD that I had Crohns Disease and I owned that disease for those 40 years.
I do NOT have Crohns Disease now, not for the past 13 years, nor will I have it ever again.
I am currently writing a book "IBS - Irritable Brain Syndrome", which shows how I changed my life completely around.........and it's so simple :)
My body is the barometer of my mind.
How I 'think', is how I believe, is how I feel.
Change the way you look at things and these 'things' will change.
Currently you are suffering from all the negative things that are 'happening' to you right now.
Stay in that 'right now'.  See if there is anything that you can be content with, or grateful for, even if it is other people in your life that you love and who love you. 
Even if it is a cat or dog that loves to be by your side.
Even if it is a favourite pair of slippers that make your feet feel so good.
Even if it is a yummy cup of cocoa or tea that you are drinking in that moment, right now.
Even if it is the sun that is gently touching your face, or the flicker of a candle in the dark.
Look for those things.  They are there.  You just have to stop your mind from the negative and start finding the positive.  This is a choice you HAVE to make for yourself.
This is your vehicle that is being affected, not you.
You are perfect, whole and complete.  You will survive this and more, no matter what :)
Take all the 'no's' out of your life, your vocabulary, your thinking.
This doesn't mean you just give up, on the contrary, this means you take back the power for your own essential being.
Make the choice.  Just stay in the moment.  This is the only way to deal with where you are currently at.
And each moment will pass.  And another will arise.  And how you 'think' about each moment will in turn create the next.
Be the observer of your mind, be who you truly are.  This is a lesson  :)  Take advantage of it.
Love yourself, be gentle with yourself.
I don't know if any of this will help, but my intention is to share what worked for me, which is really to share love.
All the best